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Cina Biadap Hina Rayani Air Kerana Mengamalkan Konsep Islam Dalam Penerbangan

KUALA LUMPUR - Antara biadab dan kurang ajar serta hilangnya hormat pada agama lain, yang mana paling sesuai untuk dipadankan dengan kata-kata mereka?

Vintonio Xian, memuat naik perkongsian berita mengenai Rayani Air di laman Facebooknya, semalam. Dalam ruangan komen, Vintonio dan beberapa rakannya melemparkan pandangan yang tidak baik terhadap syarikat penerbangan tersebut.

Mereka mempertikaikan dan mentertawakan operasi kerja Rayani Air yang ditutup pada setiap hari Jumaat.

"Next time the price also got two. Halal price and Non-Halal price. If we pay with Halal Credit Card will get special discount," kata John Cai.

"I think not Islam enough, must wear ninja suit!" kata Vintonio Xian.

"At least cover their face left only two eyes. Let see how long they can survive," kata Lee Yf.

Tindakan mereka mempersendakan usaha syarikat penerbangan baru dan agama Islam adalah amat tidak wajar. Seharusnya mereka turut menyokong usaha Rayani Air dalam merancakkan sektor penerbangan awam yang juga memberikan banyak pilihan kepada pengguna.
Bagaimanapun, Vintonio Xian dan rakan-rakannya tampil memohon maaf di atas komen-komennya yang agak keterlaluan itu.

"Sorry for the hard feeling caused by my post, I didn't expect the post will cause so much harm to everyone and my muslim friends due to my insensitive and irresponsible action.

"I shall declare that our action are much not relevant with OneSubsea (M) Systems Johor (OSSJ). The post I already taken down soon after been informed there are friends that feel bad with my action. Hope you guys can forgive our childish action and we also hope Malaysia can be a better place for everyone. That's why I decide to contribute my time and effort in Malaysia instead of overseas. We really mean no harm to everyone about the post," kata Vintonio.

"Hi there, i am sincerely apologise regarding this issue and deeply sorry of what have caused. Please forgive us for such an immature comment. I am willing to face any disiplinary action and consequences. Deeply sorry," - John Chai

"I'm sorry about last weekend improper comment on Facebook post, due to my insensitive and irresponsible action. That doesn't excuse how I acted, and I promise I won't let it happen again. please forgive our irresponsible action," - John Tan

"My sincerely apology to our Muslim friends in case i say something wrong recently. Please accept my apology and i promise this will not happen again." - Lee Yf

Difahamkan, individu-individu terbabit akan bersemuka dengan pihak yang terlibat untuk meminta maaf secara terbuka di kafeteria Wisma PTPT pada jam 6 petang ini.


  1. Senang ek? Bakar lepas tu minta maaf... Xmau guna jangan guna la...

  2. Senang ek? Bakar lepas tu minta maaf... Xmau guna jangan guna la...
