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Taylor University Tampil Memberi Penjelasan Isu Bas Digunakan Untuk Perhimpunan "Baju Merah"

Berikutan satu gambar yang memaparkan penggunaan sebuah bas yang berlogokan "Taylor University" digunakan di perhimpunan Baju Merah hari ini, pihak universiti tampil memberikan penjelasan.

Difahamkan gambar terbabit dimuat naik di laman Facebook Malaysiakini dan mendapat kritikan hebat dari orang ramai.

Di ruangan komen, pihak Taylor University berkata pihaknya tidak mengetahui tentang penggunaan bas tersebut dan menegaskan bas terbabit tidak digunakan untuk membawa pelajar universiti terbabit ke perhimpunan tersebut.

"Taylor University has noted that our bus contracted to third party, Wawasan Sutera, was used by the operator to ferry passengers to the red rally today without our knowledge.

"We would like to reiterate that the management of the university did not authorize the service of the bus for this purpose and the bus was not used to ferry our students to the rally.

"Immediate action has been made to withdraw the use of the bus with our logo.

"We regret the unintentional association of Taylor's University with the event", tulis kenyataan dari pihak Universiti tersebut.


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