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VIRAL!! Penjelasan Sebenar Tentang Video Pertelingkahan Seorang Lelaki Menghisap Vape Di Dalam 'Shopping Mall'

Artikel di bawah adalah dalam bahasa inggeris jadi pada sesiapa yang tidak faham bolehlah google translate. Selamat membaca!

KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 2, 2015: 

“Vaping” is no longer a strange activity in Malaysia but this phenomena has resulted in a debate of where the activity is appropriate.

Early this morning, Facebook user Keith Looi shared a video of someone he described as an ”ignorant vaper” puffing away inside a shop located within a mall last night.

According to the video and its description, Looi and the vaper, the latter of whom was seen holding an e-cigarette in the video, began arguing with Looi insisting that vaping indoors was not allowed while the man insisting there was nothing wrong with his actions as “‘vaping only produced a harmless vapor”.

When told by Looi not to vape in the shop, the vaper replied, “You have no right to tell me what to do. If the government banned vape, it has nothing to do with me”.

Looi, who claims to be a vaper, brewer and vape shop owner himself, voiced out his disappointment over the “ignorant vaper” who allegedly continued to vape in the shop without considering people surrounding him.

“He was blowing clouds of vapor to the people around him without any sensitivity. His wife and two children were with him.

“I politely approached him to advise him that it’s wrong to be vaping in a shopping mall and to be more sensitive to the general public. He got defensive and argued back.

“We as vapers are doing all we can to save the vaping scene and yet selfish people like this couldn’t care less about their wrongdoings. Claiming it is his money and right to vape where he wants and government banning vaping is not his problem.

“As a vaper, brewer and vape shop owner, I am deeply saddened with the reaction that I got from him and I hope we would all join hands to do our part to protect our vape scene that we all deeply love. We as vapers should vape with ethics and practise proper vaping etiquette.”

His posting has received various responses, mostly against the vaper’s behaviour.

A Facebook user by the name of Kamal Bobby commented, “Obviously a noob and has no etiquette..people like this put a shame on other vapers.”

Another user by the name Abel Woo posted, “What happen to this people, don’t make the vape scene look bad.”

Meanwhile, user Hazwan Ayup said, “This is what we call batak (flaky)..vape and cigarette has the same etiquette..do you think all people like the cloud that you exhale?”

As of press time, the posting has been shared more than 2,200 times with 17 comments and 17 likes.


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